Just send the invites my way
Still interested
In for any amount of players
Same, in for as many as you like
I will play more too
@Zebracadabra will gladly accept an invite or three, despite dissatisfaction with the incredible buggery that accompanies the game.
For those not aware, it is possible to be booted for no damn readonl
I’ve sent a couple of invitations out and @OhBollox has set up a game too. If anyone is feeling left out (entirely possible), I’ll join any other game. More TfM is good.
Anyone else want another game? Maybe 4P. I could do with another.
Swing an invite
I have no idea because I sent the invite so long ago I have forgotten who I invited.
If you still need a player, I’m available
Any takers for another game? Or two?
Yes please
I will join - I enjoy 4p
Ready for another one as well.
Lovely stuff, 2x4p games should have been created but let me know if I’ve messed up somehow…