Terra Mystica 4P "Transformer's Pick" Challenge

Is anyone playing this on an iphone X?

I want to teach my wife to play the board game, which will probably be tedious, so that she can play with me on ios, but she has an X and if it doesn’t work on that phone, the whole process it pointless.

It works on the iphone X, but as I’m sure you’ve seen, the app can be a bit daunting… My wife enjoys playing Terra Mystica, but I still think the app would be a tough sell.

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I am going to Disney with about 25+ family members. Two of my cousins are big gamers. I was trying to plan on having a game of TM running for whenever we have downtime and really wanted to include my wife. She hasn’t been introduced to too many heavier games, but she’s good at them when she tries. Not that it’s heavy, but she mops the floor with me at Lords of Waterdeep and usually gives me a run for my money at Agricola. I know the app can be rough with all the “drawers” for every different piece or board, but I think understanding the game makes the app easier to understand; TM is hitting the table this Friday night, so we will see how it goes.

Thanks for the game all.

Scores are in:
@Duckworp 136
@Hardco 106
@JMH.75 102
@irishdomer08 86

:pick::baby_chick::baby_chick: :baby_chick: :baby_chick: :game_die: :hatching_chick: :aries: :baby_chick::microscope:

New game is
Please confirm if you three are still up for the next game.

Could it be @duckworp the unbeatable?
Nice record!

I’ll still up for a game, though my last victory is receding into the depths of time.

I am in but maybe Duckworp could take a break :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep I’m in! Good game @duckworp!

Well played again! I struggled getting squeezed at the beginning, and my only option for my second town requiring a triple terraform and a bridge. On round 5 I remembered the reduced cost for the terraforming upgrade for Halflings, but it was way too late for it to matter…

Put me on the waitlist!

Game started between:

New wait list:

chances are good that Pete will walk away with the trophy for taking his break :blush:
as soon as we will live in ducktown…uhm, chickencity (12 chicken icons) that is.

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Jammatal and I tied at 95. What is the tie breaker? Couldn’t upload screenshot.

There is no tiebreaker. I just checked the rules.

confirmative :smile:

@jason1002, we are co-winners!
never have had this before.

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Well played both of you. Please add me to the wait list.

what a close game with two winners!

:pick: :game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

New challenge game is:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JammaTal :aries:
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:

new wait list:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

and another close game. only in my very last turn i could overtake irishdomer, closing the gap of a 133-107 lead of the Cultists.
3 towns, largest chain bonus and 2 temple leads were hardly enough for a win :flushed:
very well played by irishdomer!

:pick: :aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

i want to take a break now and will go the wait list.

so next challenge game is:

@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

wait list:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:
@JammaTal :aries:

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What a comeback @JammaTal!

New game is created @duckworp chooses faction first

something like that can be expected from the “Master of Heavy Games” (what a nice and catchy appellation by Snotty) :innocent: LOL

ah, no, TM is nothing but just another light Euro, right?

haha, just kidding :blush:

serious: i did not expect to win, but i knew i could stage a strong finish.
a 3rd town and a nice bonus tile were a good foundation, but key was to set you back for 6 points in the temple and to win 9 last-minute-points in those sacred halls.

there are players who say TM would be a “simultaneously played solitaire”.
what a nonsense!
fierce competition all the way through and always trying to outguess opponents.

can it be that TM is “the one game to rule them all”?

btw i would give a little finger for a digital Gaia Project!

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The latest game has finished.
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

And in an unexpected turn of events (at least for me), I was able to claim victory using the Witches faction. Mike, with the Giants, really gave me a run for the money at the end game. Both of my cities required bridges and the Witches’ ability to place settlements across the map helped me gain the largest number of tiles. Well played by all!

TerraForming Victory Record:
:pick: :microscope::aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

Next challenge game is:

@JHTaube :microscope:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:
@JammaTal :aries:

Wait list? edited

@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

Great win Joe!

I’d like to go back on the wait list