Super Battle Bros

Am I supposed to be running into a wood chipper when I go exploring ruins around day 40? So far I found a group of zombies and ghosts (zombies were weak, but the ghosts spooked almost everyone into fleeing), twelve goblins who somehow were stronger than my crew, and currently struggling against 6 vampires.

Ruins are a pain. Try camps instead, especially bandit camps. Zombies aren’t much to worry about, but a big crowd can wear your troops down. If there’s geists, necrosavants, or a necromancer, you need to be especially prepared.

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So to sum up: don’t go chasing necrosavants, just stick to the brigands and thugs that you’re used to.



I can’t find anything about this, but is there a glitch that causes Shieldwall to stop working? I can’t use it the last couple battles. Which is, uh, terrible.

This is on Switch.

Nope, can’t find any mention of it either. Sounds like a bug report job.

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I exited the game and went back in and it is fixed for now. It is weird that it was only Shieldwall, and on all units.

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Shit, why didn’t anyone tell me this game was challenging before I bought it?



Battle Bros on sale at 67% off on a Steam daily deal - 12 hours left to run as of 1500 AEST


I tell you what. I will likely loop back to it eventually, but after I hit the endgame for the tutorial/beginner stuff I may call myself a winner and back off. This game is long, deep, and unforgiving.

Is there an endgame, though? I fought the big battle to end the war between noble houses around day 100. What next? More jobs forever?

You can keep playing and do another crisis. Up to you. The next crises usually aren’t as challenging because of your levels, so it’s up to you whether you want to keep going. It can be fun to have a good look around and do some secret stuff. There are goals significantly more challenging than the crisis.

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This one was tough but not unbearable (in my reduced difficulty, that is). The five day pillaging mission was a real challenge, and I had to run into the wilderness to avoid patrols that would have ended me, but I made it back. Only lost two soldiers in the big final battle, although they were ones I missed. A 50-day veteran and one of the guys I got on like day 2 or 3. Both level 8-9. One other got maimed, although he was a low level horse humper anyhow.

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You actually saw story progress to the point of ending it on Day 100?

looks at my languishing company on Day 55

Oof…I’m doing this wrong.

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But that story didn’t start until like day 80. Before that nothing happened that carried over from one job to the next, really. Just bouncing between Ambitions and watching enemies get slightly tougher.


“What do you want me to do? Kill him again?”

I normally don’t mind the undead, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck necromancers.

You are a level 9 hedge knight.
You fear no-one.
You regularly kill 2-3 enemies per attack.
You have fought in more than 50 battles and have more than 120 kills.
You spearhead a breakthrough against some brigand thugs.
You kill them, and kill them again as a necromancer brings their bodies back to life.
You behead them methodically, smash through their lines, and reach their archers.
An archer, trapped in melee with you, pulls out a club.
You laugh, because you have the heaviest armour available.
He stuns you with his first attack.
He runs away.
After the battle, you can feel everyone looking at you.

A goblin ambush, fine.
A goblin ambush in the woods, yes, okay.
A goblin ambush in the woods, with snow, fuck off.

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To be fair, I’d be pretty stunned if I, god of death, mortality incarnate, was poked in the face by a particularly girthy stick


I like this game. I enjoyed going through with my team of bros and pushing through the big noble war crisis.

I also think I am done with it, at least for a while. I love XCOM for this kind of combat, especially because I can save scum to keep my beloved units alive and only lose them when absolutely unavoidable. I LOVE Into the Breach even more because it makes save scumming impossible. You must always deal with the consequences of your choices, no matter how dire. This game is kinda the worst of both. You can save scum, but only at the beginning of the fight, so I replay an hour-long battle multiple times trying to keep all my main dudes alive. It’s too much of a time sink. I may come back to it, and I am glad I got it, but it’s just a bit tiring. And not helping me any in making time to do writing, especially with the Star Wars card game always looking large in the background.

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Yeah, I’m taking a break from it too. But I have enjoyed it (only on Beginner, though).

You can save the campaign at any time and reload that save, though if you’re talking about a contract battle, then yeah, you do have to keep doing it.

On my way to a city, I got jumped by 25 undead.

That was a quick reload for me.

It is too much of a time-sink, if you save scum. That’s when it gets to be a time sink.

Ambushes can look awful, but in reality you’re probably 12 men surrounded by 20 or so, which isn’t that bad. Obviously some ambushes can still be horrendous, but the chances are you can easily pick a direction, move all your mean that way, and break through the relatively thin encirclement and escape. Doing it in swamp or snow is no fun of course, especially against certain enemies, but it’s not a death sentence.