Stately Play Decathlon 2022!

Table 5 is halfway done

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Table 5 raced through to a speedy finish this afternoon.

GG to @SpiceTheCat and @jason1002!


The dice were screwing with me for most of the game. In the last round I wanted to finish off the large building section but the tiles that were on offer were ones that I already had in that section. I wanted to finish off the animal area but someone took all those, even more than they needed!

That’s how you know you’re playing against @SpiceTheCat (although I wouldn’t put it past @doublebullout either! :wink: )


In my defence, I wasn’t just being obstructive: there were 3 animal tiles left, I needed 2 to complete the field and couldn’t grab both chickens, so I bought the (eventually unused) pig to be sure. Which, yes, was 2VPs loss and not ideal. Obviously being slightly unhelpful was a bonus :wink:


Super close game with @irishdomer08 and @Baelnor. I had never played that board before, so was a little unsure of what to pick from the start. That win came down to taking that tile for 4pts per animal type, and you both having both pastures full going into the final round, so I could just take two animals and fill that 2 spot pasture with them. Good game to both of you.


So close!

I got upset when the 4pts/church went! Oh well….

Great game :slight_smile:


Gg @Codington and @feederofgoats!

New map for me and I had a lot of trouble getting out the gate. Was pleasantly surprised I was able to somewhat close the gap, but wasn’t nearly enough.

Well played to you both.

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GG all - I was able to march around the outside of the map and grab a bunch of points from the start and then managed to hold the lead through the end.

Well played both of you! I realized what Codington was doing early on after being amazed at how many points you were building up, and started copying you, but it was too little too late.

Quite a relaxing game C of B isn’t it?

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@HostileApostle Just a little nudge that you are up in the game.

I believe Table 4 is in the last round of the game, so we should be finishing up soon.

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I’m sorry, there was no notification on my phone. Maybe it goes away when you’re out of time? LOL.


It does go away if you’re out of time. I’ve noticed that.

Table 4 is all wrapped up. Good game, guys. It was a nail biter at the top and I was quite a ways behind. I started by rushing boats, which didn’t do much for me, then focusing on animals only to have a hard time acquiring them.

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Good game, guys!


Table 3 done
Good game!

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In case anyone was wondering, it looks like Munchkin will have to wait for the 2023 Decathlon :wink: Early access for Steam is coming this week, but iOS will likely be months after that…

Table 7 finished, well played both


Good, close game!

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Well done @Caradog and @johnl !

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