Star Realms

I believe the next one “Colony Wars” which releases in 2 days is worth it, as it is a full blown Set like the ones in Ascension, not like the Crisis: Expansions which are a glorified promo-deck if we want to draw comparisons again with Ascension.

To the worth of the mini-expansions:

Gambits: not liked much in a tournament setting, but aside from that the most value for money (most new cards included (gambits + all promo Cards Year 1)
Gambits are dealt at start randomly to players and can be used either one time only, while some have a lasting effect.
Spice things up really good, but can be a bit unfair to what gambits you are dealt. But against AI or non-tournament games they are great

Crisis: Several subsets sold and implemented seperately

Crisis: Fleets & Fortresses and Crisis: Bases & Battleships:
More of the same, no new mechanics

Crisis: Heroes
Something like “purchaseable gambits” Heroes can be purchased like bases and put directly in play and have a one-time use effect when scrapping them

Crisis: Events
Cards which are in the Purchase deck and have random effects which are dealt the moment they are unveiled by purchasing cards

if you only want to get One go for Gambits. if you want some more go for Events and Heroes next. I like B&b and F&F but they bring the least new stuff to the table. But I would over time get all of them. You can individually enable them much like in Ascension.

For example my longtime opponent/nemesis @kennfusion and I are playing concurrent games with everything enabled aside from gambits. Its fun I believe.

More detailed info here

Speaking of which, now I knew why you didn’t challenge me again after our last match. I was puzzled by the missing rematch request, now I know whats up…



You bet! Going to organize something right now…+

Also my newsletter says about a Star Realms kickstarter this Summer? More Star Realms? Fine by me!

Yeah, it’s really weird as I generally keep 42 games going at all times, yours as one of those. But have been clearing them out all day yesterday. Only have 15 active games right now…it’s very odd. Trying to get them all complete though.

Need to ramp up my games as well…I am down from a dozen concurrent PT/SP Games to ours. Earlier I had around 30 games.
I blame SR 48hr timer…which sometimes screws me up badly.

But I need to get some games going again with Colony Wars coming should be easy.
Also I read up on the paperback Expansions which are already out.
Cosmic Gambit (Gambit 2.0) is more of the same but the Unity Expansions seem to be very nice (think multicolor/faction cards in Ascension) only bad taste is that they are also split into 4 mini decks sold individually…

I hope they ramp up their app development cycle and hope thsese sets find their way into the app well before the entropy caused death of the universe…

In addition to our SP tournament that @Private_Prinny has been so kind to organize, if you are looking for more Colony Wars tournaments, there is one with prizes from the Facebook Fan Page this weekend also.

After playing 30 games with Colony Wars (pure) and about a dozen games with mixed sets and/or miniexpansions I have to say I really like the Colony Wars set.

I like it in its purest forme the most. While I think Gambits and Crisis helped the Core Game a lot I think I will stick with pure Colony Wars games from here on for a while…and am exited for the Crisis 2.0 miniexpansions and even for the Multicolor Set UNITY for when it comes around to be releases digitally…or would be but for the glacial release pace they have right now I might have to ask my great-great grandchildren about it…

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I think W-BF is my favorite format right now. But I also have been having fun with VW-All.

errr…where to find an explanation about the formats you are talking about?

W = Colony Wars
All of the rest are directly from the app.

Essentially the online community has adopted the code system for your base as either V, W or VW then what expansions you are playing with. So VW-BF is Vanilla, Colony Wars, Bases, Fleets

I’ve been having a lot of fun with VW, no expansions. I do really enjoy CW, though. Really breathed a lot of life into the app for me.

Note, that yesterday’s expansion creates different versions of the game, so if you have updated the app, you cannot finish games that were already in progress. I had about a dozen games in progress all gone.

@kennfusion I missed Sunday Casual 40, which means you and I have been matched up in the first round in the first two Sunday Casuals I’ve played. Weird coincidence.

@geigerm actually that was 2nd round last time…but still the odds that we would be near each other on the chart should be kind of long.

Oh, right–I lucked into a first round bye in 39.

Less than one day in the most recent Star Realms Kickstarter (Frontier set)

Against my better knowledge (I cannot play physical games all that often, some of my physical Ascension Expansion boxes are still shrink wrapped) I went (all) in.
I am really a sucker for those stretch goal hooks…

As they are runing a extreme successful KS campaign (nearly 1 million for a 100k goal) I really really hope some of the funds are going into the digital team and we get the Colony Wars MiniExpansion Stuff and the Frontier Stuff before the end of the universe in digital form…

Yeah, I have never even seen the physical cards…but I went all in also. Pledging enough for all of the cards in this new set and all of the cards from the old sets in the add-on.

New expansion out today. $3.99 for Cosmic Gambits and Year 2 Promos.

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Trying to get the some opinions here.

The New Expansions are Gambits again…with past experience about gambits and tournament settings…is there some interest in a new Tournament with Gambits enabled?

Maybe a pure gambit tournament with Colony Wars, Gambits and Comsic Gambits only?

Or the same as above but including year 1 and 2 promos?

Some of the new gambits are great, and I am finding that with both sets of gambits in a game, overall it seems to be less of a chance of things being totally lopsided.

Personally, if I had a preference, there would be no year 1 promos, especially with only Colony Wars, the Ark will dominate the tournament. I might suggest for a fun tournament that lets new sets shine, but is more balanced is W-GHC2

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Saw this after I posted my reply in the other thread.

I agree with @kennfusion

That would be a fun tournament, I think.