Spread your wings - Wingspan Tournament - Season 2 Sign Ups Open!

My game with @kennfusion is still there and I took my turn. However, I’m going to be away until Sunday, so no turns until then!

For some reason, recently Wingspan games haven’t expired (had somebody take a turn in a game where he hadn’t done one in at least a week) so it should be ok.

I can’t imagine not having internet access for 5 days. What is this, the 1980s? :rofl:

It’s more that I won’t have a laptop with me and my Whovian223 Wingspan ID is only on the Steam version. If you had used Whovian (which granted, I didn’t tell you in time), then it would be on my iPad and would be no problem!

this is why god gave us the Steamdeck, so you can travel. It’s all good, just messing with you.

yeah, haven’t invested in a Steam Deck. I really don’t have much use for it!

Good game, @Mirefox

Too bad we couldn’t finish our original game—I’m sure I had that one in the bag. :rofl:

Haha, I was feeling good about that first one😜

But yeah, GG. I think this one simply came down to luck of the draw where I was getting the nests we needed more often.

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Beware that there is another update. My game with @geigerm has finished but if anyone is still running one, the update could cause you to lose the game.

Hi all,

Checking in on progress as we have 4/6 games reported.

@js619 v @JHTaube
@kennfusion vs @whovian223

How’s are your match ups progressing?

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Slow, sorry, my fault in this one - end of the semester, sports, etc. I’ll pick it up.

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@whovian223 was traveling so we are in round two still, will likely be a bit before we are done.

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No problems at all :).

I’m trying to do more than 1-2 turns in the next few days, but we’ll see how that goes.

We have only a couple rounds left

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Good game!

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Good Game!

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Gg @JHTaube! Got me with those eggs!

Well played @js619. I just was able to set up a nice egg machine in the center row.

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And that brings us to the final round! Updated standings below…

Final matchups as follows!
@Zebracadabra vs @Baelnor
@irishdomer08 vs @JaneHatke
@doublebullout vs @JHTaube
@kennfusion vs @Caradog
@js619 vs @johnl
@Mirefox vs @whovian223

And @geigerm has the bye :slight_smile:

Good luck in the final round!

@Mirefox please send your invite to whovian, not whovian223. That way I can play on my iPad