Sorry, I know the topic is a little vague but I figured it would draw some responses. Let me explain a little more specifically what I am looking for.
I have a friend who, for whatever reason, bounced right off of Ascension. I think he maybe didn’t quite get the deck building mechanic, but I’m not completely sure. Anyways, this same friend loves Shards of Infinity. Shards is great, don’t get me wrong, but without expansions it becomes very samey after dozens of games. I’d like to see if he would give Ascension another try and if he takes to it a little better, I’d like to try and get him to play with one of the expansions that really shows off how versatile the game can be by adding in a new mechanic that makes him think “wow, I didn’t even know the game could do that.” Does my line of thinking make sense?
Anyways, is there a single expansion in your opinion that really helps shake up the formula and shows off how cool the game can be?
Thanks for any input.