[Sign-up] Star Realms: Colony Wars Release Tournament

Hi Folks!

the waiting is almost over. Finally the second full-blown Star Realms Set will be released digitally.
…feeling like the asteroid here…

I don’t own the physical version (which is out since forever now) so will jump headlong into this…

Who’s with me?

Please apply with your STAR REALMS Username and (if possible) your Challonge Username.
Plans are to start the tourney on Friday afternoon.

Many applicants: Two Stage tournament (brackets then single elimination round)
Not so many applicants: Single or Double Elimination tournament

IGN: kennfusion
Challonge: kennfusion

IGN: Jules
Challonge: Sjeng

I’m in. Always up for another Star Realms tourney. (though I think I’m done with Cthulhu Realms)

Halfvoid on everything.

JHTaube everywhere

hardco on both.

I’m in!
IGN: Goatfeeder
Challonge: feederofgoats

I’m in!

Star Realms: Whovian
Challonge: Whovian223

Also, the only physical set of Star Realms I own is the Colony Wars starter set, so perhaps I’ll have a slightly unfair advantage. ;D

I’m in. geigerm in SR and Challonge.

Blackfyre on both.
Nice and thanks for organizing!

Jammatal in SR and on Challonge.

mhatke on SR
irishdomer08 on challonge

thanks for organizing!

Count me in.
SR: holsten
Challonge: holsten_knight

SR: jlongo
Challonge: john_1325

I’ll play.
JaneHatke all around

Ok thats 14 applicants. Too bad hoped for a uneven number.
I will sit this out then. Now generating the tourney thread…

So play with 15, it does not have to be even. Or play 3 groups of 5? This is just for fun.

Nah 15 would be a problem in the tournament setup for who and how many to forward into round two…

I’ll do the next best thing…everyone registered here has (per my decree) unconditionally surrendered their rights to refuse off-tournament Colony Wars friendly-challenges by me…resistance is futile!