Sharing stuff we follow

Not sure we have something here where I could post this, so maybe we can start?

Intent is to share the stuff you read / follow / listen / gain insight from.

That might be a blog, a podcast, a newsletter etc.

I will go first with something I…. Don’t even know how I found it started to follow (if someone says I got it from here on a random other thread - consider me Apple being the second mouse).

I don’t do much classical culture, but this substack seems to surprise and delight me every time it hits my inbox!

Didn’t know Mad King Ludwig was actually a person and not just a board game character….


It’s not exactly niche or anything, but I have been reading Order of the Stick regularly for, you know, twenty years or so. It hasn’t had a consistent update schedule for at least the last ten, but it’s still got the goods. If you’ve never heard of it (although odds are you have, at least in passing), it’s a stick figure D&D webcomic.

The forum is also a huge center for D&D play by post games, and is where I first found the game. I started out in a kinda unique way, because my first game was one with no story at all, it was just 8 man PvP tournaments with level 1 characters (although if they won enough they would eventually get to level 2 or even level 3. Let me tell you, the things people could create were insane. I saw characters whose effective HP at level 1 was in the 40s and 50s. Who had 15 foot reach and an attack mod of 7 or 8.

I ended up having an uncanny knack for it, and my lifetime record was 26-3. Won every tournament I entered aside from being runner-up one time. My own contribution to the crazy character contingent was making an Evocation domain spellgifted Wizard who cast Magic Missile at level 3 (later level 5 after buying Arcanists’ Gloves with some winnings), and at level 1 2d4+2 or 3d4+3 unblockable damage is quite handy. Helped that almost all my characters had Deflect Arrows as a feat, allowing them to thumb their nose at archers.

From there I went on to ply real campaigns. Never finished any; play by post campaigns eventually have the DM and/or too many layers drop off and things get left in the lurch. But some of them went on for years and were tons of fun. Created a lot of characters I still remember fondly today (one of which I revived for my first campaign in several years), and was great practice for my eventual small-time writing career. And all that happened just because I found one stick figure comic back when I was a webcomic critic.


Great idea for a thread! I’ll add a couple podcasts. I imagine Fall of Civilizations is well-known around here (I might have heard of it here), but it’s kind of terrific? Describing it makes it sound soporific, so I won’t do that, but I find it spellbinding. Topic-wise, it’s what it says on the tin, broadly construed. I remember being amused that one episode starts the story of a civilization’s fall hundreds of millions of years before humanity evolved, IIRC.

I also find Popehat a great follow on Bluesky, because he acts as a corrective to lots of the groupthink there, so I listen to his Serious Trouble podcast. It’s a nice window into high-profile legal stuff without having to read the same article with slight changes over several days, which is what following the news usually feels like to me. So I’m trying to consume less political news, and this gives me a bit of that, usually tangentially and with enough interesting legal stuff to make it palatable. But I’ve had a theoretical interest in law for a long time; I considered going to law school even though I never wanted to practice law, because I found it an interesting topic. So, whether legal trivia would work as a pleasant leavener for anyone else is not entirely clear to me.