Review: Terraforming Mars

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Happy to report that the app ACTUALLY TELLS YOU WHAT GAME YOU ARE UP IN!!

Shouldn’t have to be excited for that feature to work, but it is nice to finally have it.

It is the odd symbol on the left that you would completely not notice…

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The first time when I logged in after the update, I was thinking " @robthomasson is full of shit. I don’t see anything." The second or third time I logged in, I finally saw that thing on the side and I’m like “Eureka!!! They did fix it!!”


must be a screen size adaptation issue.
on my Air4’s widescreen it’s an exclamation mark in frame and can be seen and identified very well.


Oh interesting. Can you share a screenshot?

@irishdomer08 Here you go …

Temp TfM

So a plus for implementing the alert but a minus for not accommodating all screen aspect ratios.
The complete outline of the box around the “!” is visible on the Steam version.

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Wow, that is amazing. What I can see on my iPad is the box right up to the exclamation mark.

I just checked Steam and it is nice to see it in its full glory.

and now i can understand why you couldn’t notice the new feature.
should be corrected in next update!

For what it is worth I see the whole symbol on iPhone 12 with standard (not zoomed) view.

@Mirefox - who won? The app told me the game finished, but I couldn’t open it to see the results!

Oh, no, I have no idea because all it showed were colors. And I know that I lost.

Does it seriously not show any scores anywhere.

the last player in sequence is the only one who gets to see the final scoring.
he must take screenshots for documentation.
best to take two screenshots: the first with colors and player names, the second at end of scoring ceremony with all scoring details shown.

the problem was listed as “known issue” in patch notes 1.1799 (“unable to see the result of an online game, if the player is not online when the game ends”), so we can expect that it will be fixed.

Must mean… rematch! Rack em up?


I’m up for one!

I’ll play. Sorry I botched that last one.

@Mirefox @Baelnor @whovian223 Game created.

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I won’t botch scores this time :grimacing: