Red Planet Blues: a Terraforming Mars tournament

I’ll drop out so you don’t need to restart the game again.

I’m not playing another. I’m tired of Twin Sails. I’d say my games have a 40% completion rate.

We are 3 oceans away from end game so I am fine playing it out with AI just to wrap it up, but if everyone wants to drop out I’d understand, too.

At this point, I’ll go with whatever @whovian223 decides. I’d rather not continue for the obvious reason that it’s not fair to @JaneHatke but again, I’m pretty sure I’m not winning, so there’s that.

I hope I’m making sense here. @Mirefox has indicated he’ll continue. If @whovian223 wants to continue, I’ll continue but if @whovian223 would prefer to quit, I will as well.

In any event, no way I’ll join another TfM again until they guarantee they’ve fixed this issue. It’s unbelievable that this issue still exists. I won’t be buying any Twin Sail games until they get their act together.

Since we’re so close, might as well finish it. But yeah, I’m not going to do a tournament again until it’s fixed (maybe this latest patch will? I doubt it).

Weird, because the casual games I’ve played with people have never had somebody removed like that. Part of me wonders if it’s some kind of internal turn timer? I know Jane had a lot less time than the rest of us. But if it is, that’s something that should be known and announced. That’s ridiculous.

In the near-vacuum of Mars, no-one can hear you scream at your laptop

Also, should you sucumb to the permanganate soil, never mind: your robot replacement is ready.


In summary, we’ll finish but there’ll be a big fucking asterisk by this tournament. Thanks Twin Sails.

Let us take stock of how things stand.

Table A @SpiceTheCat @Schlotzky @OhBollox Completed succcessfully

Player Corp Score
OhBollox Tharsis 77
SpiceTheCat Teractor 64
Scholtzky Helion 60

Table B @Snotty128 @robthomasson @Hardco Completed successfully

Player Corp Score
Hardco Helion 95
robthomasson Chung Sing 92
Snotty128 Credicor 83

Table C @JMH.75 @Caradog @Baelnor

Currently running

Table D @JammaTal @HolstenKnight @irishdomer08 Completed but with AI replacement

Player Corp Score
Irishdomer08 Ecoline 103
HolstenKnight Saturn Systems 95
JammaTal AI replacement Tharsis 82

Table E @js619 @Jason1002 @kennfusion Completed but with AI replacement

Player Corp Score
kennfusion Credicor 87
Jason1002 AI replacement Saturn Systems 79
js619 Helion 75

Table F @JaneHatke @Zebracadabra @whovian223 @Mirefox

Continuing but with JaneHatke replaced by an AI


It looks like we’ll lurch to some kind of unsatisfying conclusion. I will take the final scores including the robot usurpers for the final table, when tables C & F finish.

Sorry for the damp fizzle of the last round. It’s been an enjoyable set of games otherwise, and hopefully TfM will reach stability in the future.

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We are in the last round on table F. Should be done soon. Not that it matters much…

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Table C is super close…. Should be last round.

Just found life on mars, so happy with that

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Table F results:

Good game, sorry the app kicked you out @JaneHatke.


No way! Good grief, I thought I would be last. No matter, Twin Sails ruined it by kicking @JaneHatke. I couldn’t even see the final scores. The “PLAY” button is highlighted, you could press it a gazillion times to no avail. It can’t be that difficult to fix.

I have no reason to play this game again - unless these ridiculous bugs are gone. Can you imagine going through 6/7 generations and being kicked?!

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GG Table C!

Make sure you take a screenshot @JMH.75 :slight_smile:

Super fun game, reminds me of why I like TFM, shame app has been letting people down.

Results of Table C. Gg @Caradog and @Baelnor! Especially @Baelnor for sneaking silently with all his VPs right pass us.


Very nice, well played both. A lot closer than I was expecting it to be

That game was so fast, it was crazy!

And 48 TF rating is unheard of?

Great game all, super tight

I have no idea how this can proceed from here. @JaneHatke had over 22 hours remaining when kicked out. Seriously, how do you score something like that? I don’t want the win - it’s just so unfair.

IMHO, best bet might be to just abandon this and hopefully, revisit when and if Twin Sails fixes it?

It might take a concerted effort. I’ll pledge to contact their support with our complaint but we’d be better served by others contacting them as well.

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@Zebracadabra, thanks for your support.

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TfM = new update in App Store as of 2 days ago.

Version history attached. I’ll be emailing them later today about the problems previously stated by us. To put it mildly, I do not trust them and will demand a response. I would play a friendly or two just to confirm if anything has changed.

It would be fun to have another tourney but only as long as we have a reasonable expectation it will function as planned.

‘Many other fixes’ is, I suggest, doing the same sort of Herculean lifting done by my admission that I ‘occasionally’ masturbate.


Contacted Twin Sails just now with a report on the bug that kicked @JaneHatke and that only one player can see the game end results.

If they fix the end game scoring “feature” I will eat my copy of Terraforming Mars. And it’s sleeved…


IIRC that was an intentional choice.