Prison Architect breaking out worldwide before Summer

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iPad, Android Tablet •

Back in April we mentioned that the mobile version of Prison Architect from Introversion and Paradox had soft launched in the Netherlands. Since then it’s launched in a few other places–Sweden and Australia–but I don’t live in those places so who cares, right? Stately Play is nothing if not all about me. MEEEEEEEEEE! What we really want is the full worldwide launch so I can do my Warden Norton impression wherever, whenever I want. Today, Paradox let us know that it’s coming. Soon.

What they actually said is that it’s releasing worldwide this Spring. Now, in Wisconsin, Spring weather lasts until about mid-July, so I’m hoping they’re tying Spring to the actual solstice in June, meaning we shouldn’t have to wait longer than June 20.

We don’t know a lot about the port, other than it will contain all the content from it’s much lauded PC forebear. It will be free to download, but all the content will be there to acquire via IAP. Why are they doing it that way? No idea! We also know that it’s coming for iPad and Android tablets, but it doesn’t seem like phones are in the cards.

We’ll keep an eye on this one and let you know when it lands on the App Store. The PC/Mac version is a fantastic, if somewhat twisted, builder, and there aren’t nearly enough (any?) decent builders on the App Store. If you haven’t tried Prison Architect yet, and can’t wait a month, you can pick it up at the links below for PC/Mac.
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Prison Architect is out now:

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