Need to move on from Invisble Inc, or help me choose my next time sink

I’ve not played Final Fantasy anything, on any system, ever.

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Honestly, the series has ups and downs. Still, amazed to see someone never try any of them. Good news is that FFT requires no prior knowledge of the series. And it is one of the deepest strategic RPGs in existence. Tons of customization for your units, battles that will challenge you, a difficulty curve that, especially for newbies, will most certainly not hold your hand. It’s fun, the story is amazing, the music is enjoyable, it’s the total package. Will last you dozens of hours.

For what it is worth, this is literally my favorite video game ever. I have beat it over twenty times with at least half a dozen gameplay variations (monsters only, Monk SCC, no unique characters, randomized classes, ONLY unique characters, and so on)


How about an all-mime run?:rofl:

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Bleh. I almost never get mimes. I don’t like the classes that require a ton of grinding to unlock.

Neither have I. Not a single minute.

Why? Are y’all trying to prove something, or are you just not a fan of delicious flavor?

Final Fantasy is very good.

On the tactics side, I actually enjoyed the FF tactics advance 1/2 on SP more that war of the lion versions. But I played them (and ogre battle) first

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Too many people give FFTA and FFTA2 crap for its visuals. However it has improved gameplay over the Original FFT that it feels downright clunky in comparison.

However the lighthearted not-so-deep-story and cutesy races gets all the edgy edgelords on edge edging about on the forums, its plain silly.

I am all for dark, mature deep political and philosophical settings in games but not all above else.


(I figured that was the reaction my avatar demanded. As you were.)


They were good, but not better than WotL for me. I didn’t like the Judges and I would have preferred not to have different classes locked to different races, but that’s just a personal preference.


It was so long ago I remember very little of it.

Wish I had more time to play stuff!

Actually playing through Age of Wonders 3 at the moment since it was free! (Steam)

This. I admit the poor plot to FFTA was also a turnoff; it’s like if the next Song of Ice and Fire title to be published was a children’s picture book. Written by an actual child. But it also has inferior gameplay thanks to unnecessary gating at every turn and a lack of high stakes. I can’t honestly think of a single area where it was superior to WotL.

Well, it has Viera…


You got me curious.
I add my voices to the „never played FF anything“.

On the AppStore I’ve found “FF wotl” Is it this one? One review is complaining about clunky controls… is it so? Asking because I loathe games with bad controls.

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The controls are not ideal, just like most console to touchscreen ports. The good news is that it is wholly turn-based so it won’t impact your ability to play at all. That said, if you have a PSP I definitely recommend playing that version first.

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Thanks. I do not own a PSP, so I’ll think about it a bit before buying. My backlog is long enough as it is.

Keep in mind that, annoyingly, the iOS app is not universal. Separate purchases for separate devices. It’s a great enough game that I still recommend it, but that is an unforgivable model, in my opinion, especially considering what the game costs.

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That’s a function of age, not necessarily intent. It’s also not worth it for them to update to Universal - guaranteed at least half the people will have to rebuy or they have to maintain 2 versions.