Lotus, anybody?

Hey all

I want to do a review of Lotus, but I need to test out the multiplayer.

Anybody buy the game and want to play a game or two with me?

It’s supposed to be asynchronous, but I’m not sure how it works.

Ive got no idea what lotus is, unless you mean the car, or the plant, or perhaps more bizarrely ‘tesco lotus’ which is a Thai shopping chain


I’ll give it a nudge. Looks like the kind of thing I could get the mrs to pass and play after we finally get to play some code names duet.

I am Snotty128+1098 apparently

Invitation sent!

@Snotty128, what are your impressions of Lotus? Is the multiplayer working and is it worth buying?

Multiplayer works so far with 2 of us, I’m certainly interested to see how it works with 3 or 4 players. It’s async with notifications but no app badge. Friend code invites. There’s ranked mode which I haven’t tried, and pass and play which works fine. Solo mode with 3 ais, haven’t tried it though.

I’d say the app has an average to above average level of polish. I like it, it’s pretty and functional. The core game is quite simple, simple enough I could play with my 4 year old. I think it will be an easy sell to get my non board gaming mrs to try too. I suspect there’s a possibility for more advanced play, blocking or stealing flowers. Overalls it’s a quick filler type game that I’ve got no regret buying.


I agree. It’s a nice little game. Not a lot of staying power, but it is beautiful and the multiplayer works really well.

Thanks for testing it out with me, @Snotty128! I appreciate it.

I have my screenshots and everything.

And also showing me that the AI isn’t that good, because I beat the medium regularly but you kicked my ass.

Thanks for introducing me to the game. My son loves it :smiley: He is more interested in putting lots of bugs on flowers than finishing the game, but it’s a start.

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You’re very welcome!

My review just posted, and I give you (and Stately Play) a shoutout.

Thanks again for the help! I’m glad your son is enjoying it.

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