Looking for Small World Players

Yes, and I purposefully didn’t tell you that I added you as a friend and sent an invite, so that’s great! I’ve got a notification but can’t play until later.

I don’t get notification sounds, which is a small bummer, but so far everything else is fairly smooth. It even loads right back into the game for me, much like Through the Ages. The UI on phones is serviceable at best and the screen looks awfully cluttered, with checking factions/abilities a pain, but the game seems playable. We will see how it handles end-game scoring, but I’m not as frustrated with Asmodee as I had assumed I’d be, so that’s a positive.

Holy mother of pearl! Three of the four members I invited were able to join! Just waiting on Spice. I feel faint…

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@Mysterio, have you seen this?
it may take some time till Spice will eventually join.
he hasn’t even answered organizer’s request if he wants to go on playing in the RotN tourney,

Well, there is no undo button. I tried to tap the decline icon and I guess I hit the “redeploy” button that is stupidly right next to it and there was nothing else I could do with my turn. Ah well.

LOL, exactly the same had happened to me before.

He’s in our Lords of Waterdeep game and just took his turn in that game early this morning, but still waiting on him to join my Small World game.


@JammaTal GG! Did you get the end game scoring? If so, it seems that everything is working at least adequately.

This did reinforce that I’m not a huge fan of Small World in general. I don’t know why, but it has always felt exceptionally shallow to me. It does fill the large area control gap on iOS, though.

yup, i could see it as well.
i had some fun in our game.
SmW isn’t the deepest game, but very nice for what it is: a fast and furious romp. and there are some tricky decisions about race picks and timings of declines.

for the very first time i’m impressed by Asmodee having fixed multiplayer issues successfully! way to go!

they should send this team to work on multiplayer problems in Terraforming Mars and Ticket To Ride. they seem to know their business :+1:

Reanimating this thread to say, anyone fancy a game of SW?

Ooh, private games. Games with randoms. It actually looks good. Yes, I had no idea it’d been fixed, so that was a nice surprise.


btw maybe they have done so? because Ticket To Ride is back in good shape too.

Wait, whaaaaaaaaat!?

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Who wants to try them out in a match?

How’s the state of the game? Working well with reliable notifications?

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Yes, up for a game with the new toys.

Every time that I play Small World I don’t like it. Yet I keep trying. If there are any spots available, I’ll play.

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For me, that’s Cosmic Encounter. But I agree that sometimes Small World is more compelling as a concept than in actual play. Not sure what I’m missing, though.

Lol, I love Cosmic. But it is also very group-dependent. I’ve had some duds with people that were too serious about it.

To me, Small World feels so soulless. Even with all the race/ability combos I feel like I am playing a game with 1s and 2s and an occasional dice roll that forces me to be confrontational rather than making it a strategic decision. It doesn’t matter if you’re an aristocratic skeleton or a rock and roll star donkey man, you’re probably going to put 2 units next to your other 2 units, next to your other 2 units, then roll a dice and add up your 15 VP. Rinse and repeat.