King of the Hill - Multi-Game - 3-Player - League

Well played both, nice game! So close and yet so far… :slightly_smiling_face:


Invites out!

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Our game has fallen victim to the latest Wingspan update. Thoughts?

play faster next time?

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Shrug. Don’t think anyone was behind on time. Feel free to pass it along to @geigerm to continue his reign and move along on the list.

I was just joking, just start over.

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They do announce on their Discord when there’s going to be a server maintenance thing, and that it might affect currently-running games. They recommend finishing them.

Sometimes they make it through without a scratch and sometimes they don’t.

Just checking, and no rush, but you all did start over right?

We did. Nearing the end of Round 1.

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Just checking in, how is this game going?

On the last turn of the last round–should wrap up soon.

Gg @js619 and @geigerm!


And so as the reign of @geigerm II comes to a close, @JMH.75 IV steps up to the throne.

And that means next up is none other than @JammaTal -

Please challenge @JMH.75 to one of the games from his list

Through the Ages
Gaia Project
Puerto Rico
Yellow & Yangtze

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I’d like to take Ascension off my list and replace it with Clank!

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let it be Gaia Project!


Surprisingly, this is the first time Gaia Project has been selected in this league.

Please challenge @JMH.75 to a game, and your 3rd will be @Hardco

Let me know once the game has begun.

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game is on.
Hardco is first player for making his auction bid.

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How is this game going?

@JMH.75, @JammaTal, @Hardco - just checking in, how is this game coming along?

slow game with many time-outs.
we are entering last round.
just now in time-out again.

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