King of the Hill - Multi-Game - 3-Player - League

That was my initial thinking but then I realized it was unlikely @JMH.75 would have handed you the game by picking Mayor, so once I picked Mayor I had to hope you would make the same mistake I made and not pick Captain. I think if we had both played optimally in the last round the result would have been the same, but it was a hard fought game regardless!

I am going to have to go birds - love birds - Wibgspan it is!


I concur @Baelnor and Wingspan is one of my favorite games…and it turns out I will be your third. Please send an invite to @Codington and me for a game of Wingspan, you pick the expansions we use.

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Game is up :slight_smile:


I’ll admit I was disappointed when the randomizer put Wingspan last in the current Perpetual Ladder season. :blush:

Now I just have to hope @kennfusion doesn’t dethrone me like he did the last time I was challenged to Wingspan. :wink:

Personally I would have liked TTA first, as it is my weakest game this round and I would have preferred to take the loss and then climb back up. :slight_smile:

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At least, with Wingspan last, you can end the season on a high note. Or a wing and a prayer? :rofl:

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And @Codington IV must have used the court wizard to curse my aviary, as that might have been the worst game of Wingspan I have every played - literally every bird feeder and card draw for me went wrong.

GG to you both!


And with @Codington IV holding onto the throne, that will bring a new challenger in @SpiceTheCat

So @SpiceTheCat please challenge @Codington to a game from his list:

Puerto Rico
Castles of Burgundy
Lords of Waterdeep
Dune: Imperium

I mean, 83 points is pretty respectable from my recollection, and obviously 103 is much better than that, so GG to you both!

Court wizard or not, I was able to get a good engine going for food, eggs, and cards - and it’s pretty hard to beat someone that manages to win every round, win all three nectar races, and gets 20 points from final objectives!

Yeah… I thought I was competitive for round goals, but not competitive enough.

Any game I hit 100 is a good game of wingspan though, great game yall!


Here’s the detailed breakdown…

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Nice list. Castles of Burgundy please.


Castles of Burgundy it is. @SpiceTheCat please add @Mirefox as your third and let me know once the game has started.

I will be removing Ascension from my list. @Baelnor, you may also make any changes at this time.

Started, random identical standard maps.


Please drop Brass and Lords of Waterdeep

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@SpiceTheCat you are up - let’s get building! :blush:

Is it me or is the updated version just a bit clunky and shitty? Having to force-close the app to get the games list to refresh is not impressive.

Ps will move shortly, but am at the Oktoberfest and therefore speed and quality of moves may be impaired.

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Yes, all the Digidiced async games have a problem with lobby refresh.

But you don’t have to force close: you can switch back and forth between the “play” screen and the “running games” screen and then hit the “refresh” button.

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