King of the Hill - Multi-Game - 3-Player - League

Yes, we’re several turns in already.

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Good game, @Caradog and @Hardco!


Well played both!

Well played! 59 points in birds seems pretty unheard of to me. No real busted cards in the game too…

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All hail geigerm I, the newest King of the Realm. And while I am sure it is sweet for him to finally sit atop the throne…he has to now defend it.

Next up, is @js619 who will challenge @geigerm to one of the games from his list:

Castles of Burgandy
Gaia Project
Lords of Waterdeep

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I think I have to go with Ascension!

Oooo… 3 player ascension!

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59 bird points is a solid outing I might add!


Ok, Ascension it is - The first time it has been selected for this league. As @geigerm is the only one with it on their list, this will now go to the next person with an open spot.

@JammaTal - would you like to add Ascension to your list and join this next match?

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@Caradog and @Hardco - you may make changes to your list at this time.

@JammaTal - are you in?

Could I drop wingspan and Castles of Burgundy please?

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@JammaTal - will wait 24 hours more, and then will assume you are not available and move you just down one step

no Ascension for me.

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@Mirefox - Would you like to add Ascension to your list and join the next match?

If no one wants to add Ascension, I totally will :+1:

/queue jumper.

you don’t have an open spot on your list, so it won’t be you :rofl: Especially since if @Mirefox does not want it, I will take it and would be next in line.

:smile: worth a try.

I’ll play. I also have every expansion so I’m up for any combo.

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Just so I get the rules right, by accepting im actually adding Ascention to my list? So if I want an open spot on my list to accept just about any game I need to make sure I remove Ascension when I (inevitably) lose?

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