Let’s go!
Ok, it should be set up now. SpiceTheCat‘s game, paw is KotH, random factions.
Ooh, I’d be up for a friendly with other factions. I’ll post in the Root thread.
Huge last turn coming from 20 VP, spreading sympathy to two clearings and then invoke mouse warfare that took out every enemy piece in a mouse clearing - which delivered ridiculous VP.
Great game, forgot how much fun root can be
Good game and a convincing win! I have really forgotten how to play the cats…
I really thought @Mirefox had the toys to get there… he managed to go into downfall only once!!!
I was feeling pretty good and I honestly didn’t see that huge turn coming, so well done. Good game, both!
And as the reign of @SpiceTheCat II ends, @Baelnor II takes the throne.
Next challenger up will be @Caradog. Please Challenge @Baelnor to a game from his list:
Lords of Waterdeep
Gaia Project
I would like to remove Root from my list and replace it with Isle of Skye please.
Lords of Waterdeep it is. @Codington will be your third, and you get to pick what expansions you play. Please let me know once the game has begun.
Invite should have gone out now
Got it!
Thought it was a rematch for the last game
I am going deeper into skulls…. MWAWHAHAGah
It’s going to take me a bit to get over this. I misplayed my last turn which left the door open for @Baelnor to win with the very last turn of the game. That hurts!
But still a GG and obviously a battle to the end - except poor @Caradog was clearly Xanathar and the building which removes two skulls from the game came out which is a death sentence.
Yeah, that building was cancer for @Caradog. No way to come back from that.
It took me too long to realise @Codington was the real threat. Well played!
What would you have changed on final turn? I had my fingers crossed you left open a spot for me to return that skull…
If I had taken the spot you took, I could have played one more Mandatory quest on you. No returning your last skull, no completing one more quest. Obviously I don’t have enough of a killer instinct to deserve to be crowned again!
Oh yeah, that would have broken me
Yeah, I was long resigned to my fate - was tempted to play open lord just for the lols though pleasantly surprised by how well I actually did in the end, last few rounds was effectively playing solo and trying not to act as kingmaker.