It's Friday, so let's look at a couple more Through the Ages expansion screens

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Last Friday we skipped our normal Scrying article to bring you a new screenshot of the upcoming Leaders & Wonders expansion for Czech Games Edition’s magnum opus, Through the Ages. Well, my embarrassing pleas to Vlaada to be noticed and get into the beta have born fruit! I’m not helping playtest the new expansion (they’re not stupid), but I should be in the beta once it goes live. Also, they sent me a couple more screens from which we can extract completely erroneous information. Let’s put on our deerstalkers and get to work.

Because WordPress sometimes crops the header image, I’ll post both of the new images here with discussions just below:

First of all, we now know that Mad Eye Moody is actually Jan Žižka, a badass Czech general from the 1400’s who was also known as “John the One-Eyed”, so I’m guessing that patch is a necessity and not Pirates of the Caribbean cosplay.

Let’s dig into that first screenshot. We have a new wonder, Himeji Castle which appears to give a boost to both culture and strength. Our unnamed queen from last Friday now has a name, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Moving out of the card row, we see a couple new Wonders on the horizon. We already saw (and failed to identify) the one on the left, but the one under construction on the right is new. Any ideas? Each of the players has a leader we haven’t seen before as well. The only one I can definitively spot is the woman leading the green player, who appears to be Cleopatra. Any guesses on the other three?

The second screenshot is slightly less exciting. We have no new cards on the card row and the two completed wonders, while new, are ones we’ve seen before. The Green and Blue players have new Leaders, however, and I’m open to all guesses. The most interesting thing about this screenshot is the Happiness icon. It’s blacked out, whereas we’d normally expect it to range from a healthy yellow to an outraged red. Is happiness not a factor? I’m confused.

Apart from the screenshot dissection, we also have some other Through the Ages news. The game is getting a new update any day now that adds a lot, particularly if you don’t speak Engligh, Czech, Spanish, or German. The game will now be available in French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese and they’ve created a method for fans to help translate the game into whatever language they wish. How long until Through the Ages: Klingon Edition arrives? My guess is we have only hours.

There’s more:

  • Added possibility of community translations: This is the biggest news of this update – all players now can participate in translating the game to their own languages via this website: http://cgedigital.oneskyapp. com/collaboration/project?id= 126919
  • Thanks to community translations, TtA now supports French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese. Korean language was also added but it was done by our Korean partner, not the fans.
  • Income management becomes easier: Players can now see where exactly their resources and strength come from by tapping the corresponding stats in the game.
  • IPv6 issue has finally been defeated. This is probably the second biggest feature, as by fixing it, affected players (mainly users of American T-Mobile) can finally play online on their cellular network – because of this issue, those players could previously only use Wi-Fi for online matches. The reason this fix took so long to finish was that we had to completely redo parts of our system and migrate it fully to the new protocol.
  • Lobby chatting has been improved: Players can now message into the chat of a particular game right from the Lobby without needing to load the full game anymore.
Again, we should start seeing this update roll out over the next week or so for all platforms. As for the Leaders & Wonders expansion? They're still not talking.

Based on other sources:

First wonder:

Roman Roads

In Age I, +1 resource production.
(As you can see on the sneak peak, it‘s Age I and 4 mines are built but the resource production is +5. In this age there is no pact which grants such a bonus.)
In Age II, +1 science production.
In Age III and IV, +1 culture production.

+1 yellow token
+1 blue token

Resource costs: 2 1 1 1

Second wonder would be Machu Picchu.


Stop getting your journalism all over my ignorant guesses!