I’m not even certain I should be posting in this thread, and I’ll remain civil despite the context as I do value this forum and its members very much.
First, to the argument of borders before 1948; this is a rose colored way of looking at things. Let’s also discuss European borders, American borders, Soviet / Russian borders, and all the borders that have changed hands over the course of human history whether through warfare, treaties, or backhanded purchases. Merely stating Israel didn’t exist prior to 1948, full stop, ignores the fact that there used to be a Carthage or whomever else you’d like to pick. Whether or not those moves were moral or ethical is not for me to decide, but Israel was created legally.
My other point is as a Jew who lost family during the Holocaust. There’s something that’s passed along in DNA that some simply cannot understand; the feeling of never having a home and knowing that despite best efforts to contribute to the country where you live, at some point it will turn against you. This has been the case since the dawn of Judaism. I think - emphasis on think here as it’s merely imho - that Israel and its population are very driven by the idea of never again. Jews were attacked in a horrific manner in a place where, again, we thought we were safe. The response is heavy handed because now we have the ability to be that way, as cruel or misguided as it may be.
I don’t think Israel wants Gaza (again imho). But I do believe Israel never wants it to be a haven or breeding ground for terrorism again.
This sounded better and more eloquent in my head fwiw. On a more upbeat note, Merry Christmas all - hope it’s a safe, happy, and healthy one.