Some good news.
Well, I got covid over the Xmas period. Not even from visiting family, as I never got the chance, and symptoms started up on Xmas eve. There were no more LFDs or PCRs available as the government imports them all via one company, and the Xmas period was of course especially intensive in terms of testing. I guess my booster was timed correctly, as I had exactly one bad day of cold sweats, chills, and fever, before merely having a bad cough, which is my last memento.
I haven’t been out, I missed a good NY party, and I’m watching the government’s advisor on twitter basically shrugging and saying “It’s endemic now, all this effort was pointless, you’re all going to say you were against all these measures soon.” like the cunt he is.
Not going to lie, I have had better weeks. Waiting for the PCRs to come back in stock so I can order one and get it confirmed.
Get well soon!
Very sorry to hear. So many of my friends and acquaintances have it. That’s chilling, true, but everyone seems to bounce right back.
Very sorry to hear that. Very good that you’d had your booster, though. They seem to be the difference maker against the new strain. Hang in there!
All the best mate.
Cheers guys.
Oof, sorry man. Hope you and the family are ok.
Ugh, sorry to hear. Hope you get well soon.
Farking virus. Have a swift and complete recovery.
It is over for us and we need to accept that.
So there IS divine justice in the world after all…
Liked that post because I didn’t know what else to do but damn, that’s depressing … and it’s playing out all over the place.
Covid again. Definitely a lot more muted from the vaccines. Ironically, it is the five-year old who has been hit the hardest; I think because her case in 2020 was so mild that she had few antibodies beyond what her shots provided. The dubious benefit of my older daughter and I almost ending up in the ER from it by round 1 is that we likely have antibodies out the wazoo.
All the best to your little daughter