Gaia Project Supernova πŸ”† Trophy League

@JMH.75 @HolstenKnight @geigerm - invite sent!

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ready to reveal your auction bids, premier league players?
should be interesting.
i can only see my own bid in the LOG.

it seems as if no bid had been contested though :man_shrugging:

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I was;
Terran - 5
Ivits - 0
Firak - 0
Gleen - 5

I did not want the 0’s, and was happy with either Terran or Gleen.

That said, Gleen is going to be tough!!!

I went all 0s!


i was ready to invest heavily in Ivits. have never played them and want to know what the Ivits hype is all about.
a two-wins-in-a-row-faction can’t be ignored, right?

Ivits - 28
Terrans - 8
Firaks - 0
Gleens - 0


The bidding I think is working as intended.

If there were round ends for PI/AC and Feds, I would have bid hard on Ivits :slight_smile:

Wow, that was a great move to dig my home planet :slight_smile:

Did not see that coming!!!

Stoopid bugs :beetle:

Ivits are special and i have never played them before.
i will probably make some mistakes but am trying to do my best.

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Hello @Baelnor, you have timed out.
you are always such a reliable and fast player, so i’m sure there must have been a notification problem.


I actually thought I took that turn lol, my bad… didn’t click the button.

Back with you :slight_smile:

Third division game is done. @Codington took the win with a last-round push.

Good game, all!


GG all - I was definitely playing the long game and hoping it would work - especially after initially not fully realizing the impact of the Bescods β€œstructure benefit swap”. As @geigerm alluded to, it came down to the final round for research, federation, and end game points to put me over @JMH.75 Looking forward to the next one!

gg! to bad you just got some last extra points!

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2nd division is done! Close game!

First time playing the Firaks. I’m still not sure what I think of them, but they seemed like an okay choice with a lot of Trading House bonuses.


Should have been closer! We would have tied if I’d taken the 12pt federation tile instead of trying to build more trading outposts when I already had four on the board…!

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This is one of the reasons I like the β€œ2 up / 2 down” mechanism in this league - it seems pretty frequent that the top 2 are pretty close to one another! :slight_smile:

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@irishdomer08, a friendly shoulder tap for your Gaia turn.

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Oops forgot to hit confirm yesterday! :flushed:

1st table complete, gg all and congrats @JammaTal. Kinda ran away with that one.


I think that given Ivits have won three in a row, might need to bid a bit harder to make it cost them :slight_smile:

Great game all, I was knee capped early when I couldn’t get my mine spree going and it then spiralled out of control from there. Not have access to QIC as Gleen is much more punishing than I expected!

Back to division 2 to try out some new races :slight_smile: