Excellent. The Redshirt Roster - I mean Rollcall of Heroes, of course - so far is;
@Snotty128 (called dibs on the pilot’s chair)
@Hustlertwo (nom de guerre of Kazaaakpleth)
@Tamsk (first Rockman)
Let’s look at the favoured battle wagons.
Mantis B
Notable for having no guns. Not that this is some kind of pacifist peace boat, goodness me no. The Mantis like to get up close and personal, so battle doctrine is Fisticuffs Unto Death.
“Massive” not a euphemism for “psychotically violent” in any way.
The astute will notice that at the start this involves all the crew plus their friendly battle robot piling onto the enemy ship, leaving nobody behind to steer, put out fires, repair breaches, and generally stay on top of all those little hitches space battles are known for. The astute will also ask about drones, famous for not having a breathable atmosphere. The Mantis mock your craven vertebrate defeatism.
Federation C
At least it has a weapon. The weapon in question is an achingly slow trash flinger that relies on the enemy being too dim to move out of the way and too sporting to fire during the endless reload time.
Reviewing the ship equipment however, we notice emergency respirators and a clone bay. It’s almost as if the ship designers expect not to meet dim and sporting enemies and have planned for worst-case-short-of-disintegration outcomes. Maybe the ship class description will explain this contradiction.
That is an explanation, I guess.
If there is no preference, I will randomly select ships until one of these two beauties pops up.