What are our favorite videos featuring other gamers at the table, or even pc, twitch etc?
I have about a million, so I’ll just start with the first three that come to mind:
- Acquisitions Incorporated. If you haven’t seen it, cancel your Netflix and get ready for hours and hours of fun d&d humorous entertainment…
- Crusader kings 2 by northernlion and arumba et al. Warning: may make you want to spend a month of your life playing ck2.
- BGG Game night, Tabletop with Wil W, other Geek and Sundry vids, etc.
- So many different Gloomhaven playthroughs, now that my copy apparently just shipped.
- Critical Role. If you haven’t already canceled Netflix to watch cool people play d&d, here is 500 hours more quality content.
- @Snotty128 pointed me to some really good twilight struggle vids by Brian Reynolds.
Did I say my top 3? I was just about to type 7… i could type 100 more. I guess that’s how much I enjoy watching YouTube vids about people playing games. Apparently I really enjoy watching actors and comedians play d&d too, even though I haven’t played myself in 25ish years…
Do you all have favorite videos of game playthroughs?