Dave, are you moonlighting at Wargamer, now?

John Tiller’s campaign system has been around since 1995 Talonsoft time, and although there have been updates and mods from time to time to address technology and subject, the core system is pretty much the same. This does not mean stagnation or a lack of innovation ( **really? Are you sure? -ED**)
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LOL that’s awesome.

I can’t really talk, since I also use that concept in my own writing, though.

(I was doing it even 6 years ago, though it wasn’t “editor” back then, but “Empty Chair,” patterned after Jonah Goldberg’s “The Couch” in his writing. I got “Empty Chair” from Clint Eastwood’s speech at the RNC convention in 2012. So honestly, Dave, other than changing it to “Editor,” I’m not copying you! :slight_smile: )

I do agree that the graphical upgrades shown in the article are right in my wheelhouse. I’m one of those who enjoyed the Talonsoft graphics much more than the later style, and do like what I’m seeing in the article on this new version. :+1:

I don’t know that I’ll have time in 2019 to dig out my John Tiller games, I may need to revisit my gaming priorities, I’m suffering from an abundance of riches! :sunglasses:

I would have tried out a couple of Tiller games by now if they didn’t cost so dang much. As it is, I find it hard to justify when I’m already drowning in unplayed games.


Amen, brother, amen! :+1:


I’m happy to admit I’ve been copying Dave’s style on that for a while now. Haven’t done it so much recently, but I’m more likely to do it on one of Bill’s articles because it’s a form of banter between us.