“Alexa, what does desperation look like?”
I am surprised that there hasn’t been more of this. For a while the attacks on electrical grids were significant?
What does this mean for the dam? Is it a bit of surface damage, or will this fundamentally destroy its integrity and drop the water level a long way? It’s hard to tell.
It looks like a dam that stays pretty full?
https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-mined-a-ukrainian-dam-planned-false-flag-attack-zelenskyy-2022-10?r=US&IR=T - note the date.
Nice find.
Wow at maintaining the explosives that whole time! My work with explosives is more in mining, but there is a lot that can go wrong overbtime
I reckon I could say that straight faced at work and no one would bat an eyelid.
But seriously… that’s is a head scratcher.
On the conflict, I feel that Ukraine have this in the bag - all the way back to reclaiming Crimea. But what they actually win might not be worth winning after Russia scorches it.
FPV drones are yet another cheap, effective weapon Ukraine is using. Excellent accuracy, target discrimination, and versatility, and at a fraction of the price of your average guided munition,
They’ve issued an arrest warrant for him I think, which I would assume is tantamount to a death warrant in Russia. Can’t be good if you’re doing that to the head of your PMC
As anyone who has played Civilisation before knows…. You have to win quick or else your people get cranky.
Putin needs to reload the save game prior to his failed blitz and see if he can roll some better dice…
Dud anyone have the siege of Moscow on their apocalypse bingo card?