Current Warfairs

lol. lmao.

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Only person dead
Unsure if he was the target


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Very fair thread.

The U.S. intelligence community has penetrated the Russian military and its commanders so deeply that it can warn Ukraine in advance of attacks and reliably assess the strengths and weaknesses of Russian forces.

‘Oh no’.

I think this has shown how much power the west has, with a willing theatre, without even sending troops.

Think China goes for Taiwan during these “military exercises” for real, knowing that the gap is going to get wider without chips?

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Didn’t realise the Brit’s had cool toys too! - check out the video for the essentials the Russians are packing in their boxes for spare tank tracks.

This is getting sad now - either win or lose Russia (preferably lose) and let’s get back on with life

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Even knowing it was coming I almost spilled my drink laughing.

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