Cinco Paus agora disponível para PC/Mac

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Michael Brough’s latest gem on the App Store is a strange one, Cinco Paus. The strangeness comes from the fact that the entire game is in Portuguese with no options to translate it to any other language. At first we weren’t sure what to think. Did this mistakenly show-up on the US App Store? Is there another version being released? The answer to both was “no”. Instead, it slowly dawned on everyone who downloaded it that the Portuguese was part of the puzzle or, as Kelsey puts it, part of the joy of discovery. Unfortunately, only those on with Apple devices have been able to explore this bit of the Brough-verse until today when it became available for PC/Mac.

The PC/Mac version of Cinco Paus is available not on Steam, but directly from Michael Brough for only $5. I’m not sure what else I can say, so let me paste the blurb:

Tens cinco varinhas mágicas mas não sabes o que elas fazem. Tenta descobrir seus efeitos e atravessar todas as cinco zonas. Toma os tesouros também se podes!

Cinco Paus e um novo labirinto de morte aleatória de Michael Brough, criador de 868-HACK, Imbroglio, e mais.

If that doesn’t convince you to download this game, I’m not sure what will.

Considering that I speak portuguese, does the game holds any value? It has a very strange accent. I think it was translated by a machine.

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I’m pretty sure Brough just wrote it all himself–in his first dev notes post on his blog about the game a while back, he said he’s been learning Portuguese and wanted to force himself to learn a bit more, essentially. I think he is (or was) living in Portugal.

The game itself is great, and, honestly, once you understand what each spell/artifact does, you don’t need the language description. You’ll recognize them based on symbols.

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I think Brough was taking Portuguese and decided to use it in the game to help himself learn the language better.

I can confirm that all the Portuguese in this article was translated by a machine.

Cinco Paus is still on course to be my GotY nomination. Even though I’m unlikely ever to want to play it on my PC rather than my iP(ad|hone), I’m very tempted to buy this port anyway just to help shovel money at Brough and encourage him to keep doing what he’s doing.

Do you speak Portugal Portuguese or Brazil Portuguese? Whichever one you speak, Brough likely is learning the other, and like geigerm says I get the impression he was living and working overseas, and he definitely did the game in Portuguese himself to help himself learn.