Are there any "Ameritrash" games on the iOS horizon?

I don’t mind traditional Euro-style board games, but my eclectic tastes have me yearning for an Ameritrash-style game. With all of these point-salad, min/maxing, make-a-wrong-move-and-your-game-is-over-before-it-starts games on mobile, sometimes I just want Blood Rage (though that game actually has quite a bit of Euro influence in it).

Are there any quality Ameritrash games on the horizon for iOS?

I believe there’s a Digital version of Scythe coming soon to iOS. That sort of bridges the gap between euro and ameritrash.

Oh, that’s good news!

I actually like the hybrid games quite a bit, like the aforementioned Blood Rage.

developer Portal had announced a new edition of Neuroshima Hex, a kind of crossover between eurogame and ameriBash.

and Codington of Codito Games is working on 64-bit updates and fixes for most Codito games.
i’m esp excited for Brief History of the World, which imho is a perfect blend of “fight with dice” and “burn your brain”.