After an epoch, Evolution has been released

And that’s being generous to RotNS, which launched with reliability issues and questionable design decisions as grumbled about at length in the game thread.

Unless your point is that the range from RotNS to Evolution (in whichever direction) is the best we can hope for for board game ports nowadays.

[quote=“Neumannium, post:35, topic:1771, full:true”]
Anyone trying to make a BG app should be worshipping at the altar of Playdek and CGE and, if you can’t pull off something at least close to their online model, don’t bother.[/quote]
Quite. This is a solved problem. At least, maybe realise that other devs have done the hard work and come up with a good model.

Maybe that’s a good interview question, or the no-brown-M&Ms test. “So, what do you think of Playdek’s multiplayer?”

Can confirm, PC is still a token of what iOS or Switch do for us.

In terms of multiplayer - it’s a journey to develop that, make it actually work and keep it working. We (Acram) are improving ours slightly game after game, and I myself am one of the main combatants here to keep it running.

On one hand I do realize why studios don’t. As I said, it’s a ton of work and inconvenience. On the other, if you promised players a working multiplayer, or they simply expect it due to the nature of the game, say, oh I don’t know, a DIGITAL BOARD GAME, you kinda need to deliver. Else, in my opinion, you’re releasing an incomplete product.

At least half of the appeal, at least in my opinion, comes from an operational multiplayer when it comes to digital board games.

I’m also going to (wildly) guess that a nice chunk of board game app sales come relatively close to release, driven by hype and the board game community who is eager to gobble up any new apps from their respective hobby.

Actually not really the case. Sure, the release is a spike, but our games keep selling at a steady trickle, so to say. I’m not in on the exact numbers, and even if I were I would not be sharing those, but yeah, our stuff keeps selling, and it’s definitely not counted by “this better pay for itself on release”. Then again there’s never been a hype around any of our releases like there was around Scythe or Terraforming Mars so :woman_shrugging:

P.S. I should probably write all that from my personal account rather than work account, but I don’t have one so… oh well! :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the insight! I’m not fishing for any closely held inside information; I do think it is interesting to hear industry insights, though.

Oh yeah, totally. I was more saying that to myself so I don’t say something silly that I should not have :smiley:

I know it all comes down to money, but it does sadden me that this is something that you actually have to fight for though…

I might be naive, but can you “buy” the playdeck online package and weave it into your game? Buy/licence whatever?

If I remember correctly, Acrams port of Steam released without online multiplayer. I think there was a ‘coming soon’ type promise too. But then Acram actually delivered. That just about blew my socks off. Delivering in that kind of promise seems to be the exception rather than the rule sadly.

In other news, I played evolution at the table the other day and it played pretty well. I managed to out score the intelligent pack hunting carnivore player, which is handy because the table seemed to think that combo was a bit OP.

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quite the contrary.
designer Dominik Crapuchettes was a very engaged and successful Ascension player in the early BGG tournaments.
so he knows very well how important online playability is and how well it can be done.

the less i can understand the Evolution debacle.

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For what it’s worth, the developer responded to my review and said thy at they’ve got their asynchronous bugs worked out plan on beta testing it “on or before Dec. 6.”

and then i will instantly buy the 8 euro full-unlock IAP.
itm it’s just another promise.
good news nonetheless!

Well sure, yeah, we use two third party thingies for this, but they still need to be put into the game, innit.

Good point :slight_smile:

@whovian223 @js619

The asynchronous menu in our game is telling me that it is my turn, but there is nothing for me to do in-game. It looks like @js619 might be up, but it is hard to tell.

It was telling me it was your turn as well when I checked this morning

Well, this may be another lost game, then. When I log in, it shows me @js619 creatures highlighted and I can’t do anything. With the problems this game has had, it wouldn’t surprise me to find another bug like this.

This is too bad.

I was hoping for better than this.

Agreed, especially for something that’s been in development for what seems like a forever.

eta: Apparently it was my turn to feed when I logged into the game, it just didn’t show as such in the menu. Ate one of @Mirefox’s creatures, your turn now.

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Lol, that’s my reward for getting us back on track?!


It’s the Darwinian equivalent of killing the messenger.