Hardco (258) over
@johnl (247)
For @KYakerDude, I’ll give a detailed description…
I’ll come right out and say it, I had no business winning this game. @johnl won the battle for a big city early, and had a 20-30 lead on me with a solid lead for all three resources as well.
I continued going through the motions, trying to pick up the better fields, but it was looking hopeless.
I made a last ditch effort to get a new city started to try to get some resource points and close the point gap, but @johnl managed to get in on that too. I had my builder there though, so I kept throwing pieces at it for the outside chance of being able to finish the city and grab the resources. With 15 pieces left, and 3 available pieces to close the two borders of the city, johnl close one of the two borders. I promptly drew the piece to finish the city, and got enough resources to tie 2 of the resources and take the lead in the third. Johnl managed to tie the third resource in the last 10 tiles, but I had managed to secure the best fields while he was short on workers.
It all came down to final scoring, and while I hadn’t done the math, I knew I had a shot. The last couple big fields put me over the top for an unlikely victory.
Good game johnl!