2020 Carcassonne Quaran-Tournament Sign-up

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to shout out that this tournament is going well. We are in the quarter finals and down to a total of eight players!

I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful game. Makes me sad to realize that we will be losing online play in this app in the future when CodingMonkeys turn off their servers.

Good luck everyone.

@js619 GG! That was a very defensive game for both of us, mostly just trying to lock each down.

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Well played! Super defensive, couldn’t get anything going scoring wise, as the pic shows lol!

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@johnl over @JHTaube

Good game!

GG @JaneHatke

@kennfusion, nice win!

@Hardco lol, I think I literally just lost that game on the river.

I don’t like the river, so my goal is to always try to kill it…

Competitive game despite an early block on my part.

Thanks @robthomasson
Next up @Hardco

I was nowhere in this game … @JHTaube locked me down early and gave me a polite but rather effective lesson on how to play this game … well done sir!

I felt like I was behind most of the game, but having slightly better fields despite @JHTaube having the best field helped me eke out the victory (though I guess I could have chosen any other scoring feature to highlight)…

Thought I was at a fair advantage 3/4 the way through.
A game vs @Hardco is never assured …

After locking a couple of meeples of @johnl at their place and being lucky in getting the upper hand in a big city, the fate was sealed. Gg!

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We are down to the last two games of this tournament!

I wish we could actually watch these games.

Hardco (258) over @johnl (247)

For @KYakerDude, I’ll give a detailed description…

I’ll come right out and say it, I had no business winning this game. @johnl won the battle for a big city early, and had a 20-30 lead on me with a solid lead for all three resources as well.
I continued going through the motions, trying to pick up the better fields, but it was looking hopeless.

I made a last ditch effort to get a new city started to try to get some resource points and close the point gap, but @johnl managed to get in on that too. I had my builder there though, so I kept throwing pieces at it for the outside chance of being able to finish the city and grab the resources. With 15 pieces left, and 3 available pieces to close the two borders of the city, johnl close one of the two borders. I promptly drew the piece to finish the city, and got enough resources to tie 2 of the resources and take the lead in the third. Johnl managed to tie the third resource in the last 10 tiles, but I had managed to secure the best fields while he was short on workers.

It all came down to final scoring, and while I hadn’t done the math, I knew I had a shot. The last couple big fields put me over the top for an unlikely victory.

Good game johnl!


We are at the finals! It will be a match between @JMH.75 and @Hardco.

They met previously in Round 4 with @JMH.75 sending @Hardco to the loser’s bracket. But after wining the loser’s bracket in three games he is back.

This is the exciting conclusion to our Carcassonne Quarantine tournament. The quarantine was supposed to end when the tournament does, but that doesn’t appear to be happening. I’m not sure the future of multiplayer for this great app, but I was really happy to have one final tournament.

Thank you all for playing.

Best of luck to @JMH.75 and @Hardco!

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It has been decided: JMH.75 vs @Hardco : 247 vs 241. Very close finish. Gg Hardco!


After giving @JMH.75 a 69 point city in the early game to grab a few resources, I slowly caught up with some mid-sized cities, locking down all three resource bonuses (though I thought @JMH.75 might finish one of my cities for me to tie a resource). In the end game, @JMH.75 had more available meeples than me, and used them to steal a late city, and muscle in on a field. I may have had the opportunity to block the field, but if so I missed it… Good game!


Congratulations to @JMH.75 on winning the 2020 Carcassonne Quarantine Tournament!

Thanks everyone for playing this classic board game app! (Are board game apps old enough to be classics?)

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