Want to see Terra Mystica in action? We've got the trailer

I forget how Digidiced works.

Do you have to add friends individually in each game, or is it like Playdek where once they’re added, it covers all of their games?

Pretty sure my friendslist carried over from Inland Port to All Creatures. Also, April / May of this year is like Heaven for digital board game enthusiasts.

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Yup, DigiDiced have one Friends List for all their games (so far at least). Which is why your, say, Inland Port opponents can have, say, Patchwork avatars …

The tutorial is broken up into 7 or 8 different “chapters” that you can play through. It covers the basics, but I see it still being a mighty steep hill to climb if you’ve never played the cardboard version. I knew the rules going in, though, so I’m not a very good judge of the tutorial.

Pretty sure that quick zoom is just for the trailer. There are different animation speeds and I have mine set to slow and haven’t vomited or been annoyed at delays yet.

Terra Mystica is out

$9.99 USD, no expansion yet.

The AI is definitely slow to decide. My only qualm so far.

Bought it this morning, but having never played the cardboard, I think I’ll need some time with a playthrough before jumping in.

Same here. The tutorial covers the basic flow well and gives you some good hints at what you should be considering in your strategy. I’ve tried and failed many times at attempting to play it on BGA from only reading the manual online.

Terra Mystica is not on BGA

Ah whoops. it was here:


So who wants to play?

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Give me a day or two to get used to the interface (I’ve only played the boardgame twice or three times, and it’s been a while).

Then I’d love to play!

I’d be up for a beating too, but give me the weekend to figure out wth I’m doing.

In Canadian dollars, this app is $13.99. I’ve never spent over $10 on an app.

What is wrong with me??? :stuck_out_tongue:

I will play too. I just downloaded it. I’ve been playing it for a year on terra.snellman.net

I’ll be up for a game in a few days. I’ve played the board game twice a long while ago and need to get up to speed.

I’m up for a match. I think you’re already on my friends list.

I’d play as well after I get used to the app this weekend. Sounds like we need a tourney!

And I make 8, thats a good start. So we can pencil in a little tourney to start around monday then?

I’ll play, too, but I need to figure out what I’m doing. Happy to accept friendly game requests to mgeiger9.