The Internet Almanac

10/10 would watch again.

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“Ah yes, the good old Cascadia fault line.”


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What the actual fuck, man. Warn a brother before he watches that crazy shit two Ardbegs into the night.

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There’s lots of weird shit there…which one are we talking about? LOL

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Red wedding, eat your heart out. Here we’ve got a real life brown summit

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Perhaps not. This is the Google Translate version of the abstract of one of the sources:

In dealing with post-structuralist attempts to level the distinction between facts and fictions after Friedrich Nietzsche, this distinction is defended with a view to historical science. From a perspective of conceptual history, a diagnosis of panfictionalist tendencies is then carried out, which proves that these tendencies are based on a mixture of fictionality with literarity and narrativity. In comparison to methodologically endeavors in history that are oriented towards one side of the sciences, the relevance of the literary narrative form of representation is then brought into play. If common ground between literature and historiography is taken into account, it is precisely not to suspect the history of fictionalist complicity with deconstructive intent, but on the contrary, to the literary cognitive potential, which is explicated as a narrative visualization achievement, for historical cognition to make it fertile.

The person who wrote that, I bet their ancestor died in a tragic latrine accident

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