The Internet Almanac

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My current favourite online shop.


I had to show my wife the listing for commando undergarments.

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ā€œDiscovering the feeling of the negative load factor, the insufficiently strapped and totally surprised passenger held onto the ejector handle and activated it unintentionally,ā€

Latest talk is on the Battle of Trafalgar and is on point.

My recreational reading of air disasters reaches a new low/high:

Just after the aircraft passed over the town of Meaux, the rear left cargo door blew off and the sudden difference in air pressure between the cargo area and the pressurized passenger cabin above it, which amounted to 2 pounds per square inch or 14 kilopascals, caused a section of the cabin floor above the open hatch to separate and be forcibly ejected through the open hatch, along with six occupied passenger seats attached to that floor section. The fully recognizable bodies of the six Japanese passengers who were ejected from the aircraft were found along with the planeā€™s rear cargo hatch, having landed in a turnip field near Saint-Pathus, approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 miles; 8.1 nautical miles) south of where the remainder of the plane was found. An air traffic controller noted that, as the flight was cleared to FL230, he had briefly seen a second echo on his radar that remained stationary behind the aircraft; this was likely the remains of the rear cargo door.

Check out The Flight Channel on Youtube, if you havenā€™t already. He recreates air disasters in Flight Simā€¦

As does Allec Ibay

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Itā€™s easy to start with one video and not look up for about 6 videos thereafter. Youā€™ve been warned.

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A long time ago, we took ā€œFuck around and find out.ā€ a little more seriously.

The 54 skeletons were all of males, almost all aged from their late teens to around 25 years old, with a handful of older individuals aged up to their fifties. They had all been killed at the same time with a large, very sharp weapon such as a sword. They had not been cleanly killed, as many of them had suffered multiple blows to the vertebrae, jawbones and skulls. One man had his hands sliced through, suggesting that he had attempted to grab the sword as it was being swung towards him. There were a total of 188 wounds visible on the skeletons, an average of four per individual, indicating that they had been the victims of severe violence before being killed. One man had had the top of his skull sliced off, exposing his brain. There may well have been more injuries to soft tissue, but this is not detectable from the skeletons. However, they had no obvious battle wounds and were most likely captives.