“alea iacta est… Summoners, to war!“

Dear everyone,

A dedicated thread for Summoner Wars, in which we can discuss our games, strategies, etc, and most importantly, send the invitation links for private games.



My next private game is live/… please feel free to join

You have to copy this link, then go to the application and press ‘join private game” in the online menu. There is a box to paste the url there

At the table, I was all in on Summoner Wars First Edition and while I haven’t invested much in the Second Edition I do have the base set. I haven’t played much, though. One of those things I’ve enjoyed about the second edition is discovering how they tweaked some of the older armies and what some of the newer armies bring to the table. I just played my first game as the Polar Dwarves and found them rather cool. Between the Summoner’s ability and the ice golems I think I had more wall movement than unit movement. I had walls all over the opponent’s side of the map. Now, I messed up quite a bit on my other strategy and got stomped but I am intrigued with their ability to drop summons in the enemy back lines.

Edit: You can see that I’m a first edition adherent; by walls, I mean portals now.

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I’m getting very frustrated with this online system. I signed in on my iPhone using my Apple ID with my e-mail hidden. When I try to sign on the web-based game with my Apple ID I get a completely different account with a different username! I shouldn’t have to use a URL to get a multiplayer game running but as it is, it doesn’t even work for me.

Yes, I can understand you. the implementation of the private games is not good so far unfortunately. Also, for me I couldn’t see what my opponent did during his turn, only the end result. You can read it in the log. Hope they improve on these points in the near future, because, and despite mentioned issues, I had a blast while playing with Rob.

The game itself is a 9/10 for me for sure. Love it. App needs work.

Oh. I thought I saw your moves. Was I hallucinating? Will pay closer attention in our next game.

I did not see any animations. I just got a notification that it’s my turn, and when I opened the app, I was confronted with a new layout of the troops, with no transition from last turn.
Did you play via app, or browser?

I said that I had a choice of factions (that I did not own) when accepting a game invitation, but I see why now … the New Private Game screen says “In private games, both players have access to all card and decks (sic) of the player who created the game”.

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I was using the app. As I did when I watched the animation of your first turn just now in our new game. Animations don’t seem to be an option (other than whether to Auto-Dismiss Attack | Event animations). So … ???

Edit: When I went back into the game (using the app) I got the animations again. I tried that using a browser and also saw animations. So … still … ???

@robthomasson you are right. Animations (“animated log” for lack of better term) seems to be working… when I click on the notification it does not show up immediately, but when I leave the game and go to the lobby and get back in, it works.

We just started a new match and I am already having so much fun.

So, while the way the game handles invitations for a private game is clearly outdated, @robthomasson and I have a few games under our belt now. We keep sending the invites via PM and it works smoothly. I really enjoy our matches.

If one of the contenders has excess, it’s enough to unlock all factions for both players.

So, I really can take a few more games of this… If anyone is interested, please send me via PM, so I can send you an invite!

I participated in the official tournament within the summoner wars app. Still in round 1, but everything runs smooth. I just clicked that I wanted to participate, then I needed to choose factions. Everything else was done by the team behind the app it seems. I received invites for 4 games, then another 4 games. There are two levels of players, in separate tournaments, beginners and experts (something like this) I am in former.

Really very pleasant experience so far.

They seem to do a tournament every few months.