Stately Scrying: What we're playing this weekend

This “-ed.” guy is kind of a d-bag.


You’re telling me.

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Pokémon TCG online. Getting way into it


I think it is a very under appreciated game.


Hadn’t played in god knows how long (noble victories exp?). Anyways, dusted off some packs updated a few decks and rocking around in legacy/expanded formats.

Need to build an on meta standard deck, but prior to that I need to trade my way into a stockpile of resources to acquire the cards

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Downloading Total War:Arena.
No idea if it is any good. Wargaming is involved, so a pay2progress faster grind-fest? I dont know.

There is an open beta period now while they are in closed beta. Use PLAYTWA at the wargaming site for some bonus goodies.

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  • Monster Hunter World (XB1)
  • Civ 6, other various games iOS wise.
  • Pokken Tournament DX

And studying to finish up a couple of certs so I can job hunt more effectively since my workplace has gone down the shitter.


Is Ravenmark still playable on iOS? I was thinking of that game the other day but couldn’t remember its name. I absolutely loved it but never finished it.

I’m spending my free time this weekend playing Cinco Paus, Gems of War, Dream Quest, and Meteorfall. Might jump back into WHQ2 and see if the update makes the game less irritating.

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I also enjoy seeing what folks are planning for the upcoming weekend. :+1:

For myself, plans include

  • Exploring digital pinball with the Stately Play forum February table tour/friendly tournament/friendly high score challenge by learning the Sorcerer’s Lair table in Pinball FX3 / Zen Pinball (which I’m enjoying)

  • Gems of War with the Stately Play crew

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I also ended up falling prey to that ten buck Agents of Mayhem price tag on Steam. It’s pretty damn cool. Exactly the kind of pyrotechnical tomfoolery one relishes at the end of a long week.

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Can you sell me on it? I tried it with my kids a few years back, and found it infuriatingly badly designed in the following way: higher-level evolutions were stupendous (and thematically appealing to my kids), so the whole game seemed to revolve around them. But in order to play them, you had to draw one of at most four specific named cards for them to evolve from, and in the limited card set we had, there was virtually no ability to tutor for them or otherwise ease this restriction.

Is this not the case with other mixes of cards, or is there some reason that dynamic doesn’t thoroughly sap the interest out of the game for you?

Played a few total war arena matches last night, but decided not to put more time in it. Its not worth it.
Grindy and more MOBA then a Total War game.

The dynamic interests me because it puts emphasis on strategic deck building. The game doesn’t use any of the silly automatic resource mechanics of modern digital CCGs like hearthstone so deck building requires managing your resource curve, making sure you have your evolutions, and make sure you have tutor cards (that help you search for those cards you need).

The game isn’t as tight strategically as something like Magic and is susceptible to power creep or simply unfair elemental matchups, but matches are quick and if you’re getting punished, it’s wont be dragged out.

Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t masterclass design, but it is a better CCG than many give it credit for because of its theme and it does have some strategic depth. Plus, the digital version is fairly generous in giving out theme decks to play with.

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Probably time to re-evaluate Reno’s contribution. It saddens me that he’s remembered chiefly for his tireless work to popularise the headband, to the detriment of his cerebral insight.

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Good question! I’m still fending off iOS 11. Missing out on Civ 6 mobile is a big deal, but otherwise I have no regrets. I’d like to keep my iPad Air 2 on iOS 10 indefinitely, it runs well on 10. Maybe the kids will let me borrow their newer, spiffier tablets to play Civ on…


I wore a headband while I wrote this post in his honor.

I have no friends.



I’m sure those two things are coincidental.

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Ravenmark does indeed run on iOS 11–I downloaded it to my iPad. That’s impressive for an app that hasn’t been updated in 2 years. I might keep it on my iPad and see if it’s a little easier to get through on the large screen. The last time I played it, I’m pretty sure I was using a tiny iPhone.

I’ve also fallen deeply into Hitman again. That game has a ton of stuff I’ve barely touched, with Escalations that remix the environments and missions substantially. Beautiful Heath Robinson machine/game.