Open-world adventure, forma.8, comes to mobile

I don’t know either game at all, but I assume “Metroidvania” means a cross between Super Metroid and Castlevania

How I wish that were helpful lol. I (vaguely) remember Castlevania but don’t think I ever played Metroid…

Never played either one. Just familiar with the names. :slight_smile:

Yeah, basically metroidvania just means 2d platformer with a single large map that gradually expands as you acquire more abilities that unlock new areas. (like getting a double jump ability makes you able to get past a walled off section, or a fire ability that lets you burn away obstacles)


I’d love to see a review here, but here’s the PocketGamer review to tide you over:

And I’m sure @Pitta will be along to comment on the game–I hadn’t heard of the game before he first brought it up, and I know he’s a big fan.

Given that this game currently features two of my favorite words–“launch discount”–I’m going to buy it now and will weigh in later.


I’m love with forma.8
It’s a great metroidvania…think Aquaria meets Waking Mars meets Another World.
Atmosphere is awesome…you are stranded in this alien world and you have to figure everything out, old school style.
Tons of exploration, bosses, puzzles…
I’m 5 hours in, around 30 percent of the game according to the save menu.
Can wait to go in bed with headphones and continue to ‘live’ in its alien world.
Game is not easy AT ALL, mind you.

You can also check Steam reviews, all but one very positive.

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Metroidvania is one of my favorite video game (sub)genres, so consider my interest piqued.

Played all night till impossible hours…stuck at a mega puzzle and a nasty boss.
Dreamed few hours on how to beat it.
Woke up…fired up the game…just solved the grand puzzle AND beat the boss, got my second power…now back exploring every single temple.

What a glorious game, I’m in love.

I’m trying to hold out for a review, but I’m having a hard time resisting @Pitta’s enthusiasm!

Thank you for that! I was one of those in the dark as to what the term “Metroidvania” described. :sunglasses:

I see that TA also defined the term in their Game of the Week post, kudos to them for that:

… it’s a Metroidvania style game which means the entire thing takes place in one humongous, interconnected map and as you play you’ll unlock new items and abilities which will open up new pathways until eventually you’ve unlocked the entire thing. You play as a tiny exploration probe and unlike most Metroidvanias which are platformer-based, in this one you actually fly around meaning you can go in all directions.

Edit: Oh, yeah, I went ahead and bought it, thanks everyone for the info. :sunglasses:

I’m really enjoying this game. One of the more enjoyable arcade games that I’ve played on the iPad in quite awhile. It is a steal at the current price. I’ve been playing with a Nimbus MFi controller on a new 12.9 iPad Pro.

The game starts out simple and really gives you a chance to learn how it works as you go along. However, it will likely require a bit of backtracking and retrying things to get through some areas. This is one of the hallmarks of “Metroidvania” games. You will find that after you find some new abilities, you will be able to get past areas that were impossible before that point.

Another World

…just kidding…but I go that vibe as well from the visuals…maybe I bite (I-have-to- many-games™)

Waking Mars was a great game. This has me interested.

How twitchy is the game? Is it like Walking Mars or does it require faster reflexes and/ or a controller? I find I’m less into platformers that are more about quick action instead of thinking. Yes to Waking Mars, no to Badland.

I grabbed this last week based on @Pitta… not the first time he’s influenced me into a purchase, and probably won’t be the last. I was nervous about the quick reflex twitchiness required, but it’s actually not too bad - your robot probe thing doesn’t move unless you move, so you can stop and puzzle things out. I’m loving the art style too, very Limbo-esque. I haven’t really scratched the depths of the game yet, but I am enjoying it so far. It might have to get installed on my iPad though; I find the screen to be a bit small for a game like this on the iPhone.

Just completed the game.

It was ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS with one scene that became an instant classic in my videogame culture.

Loved every second of it…from the initial slow exploration, to the frantic boss battles, to the clever puzzles.

I have still one puzzle to sole and I wonder what happens…I completed the game at 76 percent.

If anyone played it…I would LOVE to discuss the ending.

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Been playing and, wow, is it pretty. Still only about 10% in, so I have a lot to figure out yet. Wish things weren’t so opaque. For example, I found an artefact…but have no idea what that means. Is it something I can use, or just a MacGuffin? I have no idea. Likewise with other trinkets I’ve found. One seemed to be a key, but it opened a gate thing that doesn’t seem to do anything?

I get that it’s trying to smother the player in ambiance, but a tip on what the hell is going on every now and then would be nice. Like I said, I only really just started, too, so I’m still figuring things out. A little more time in the game might reveal everything or at least become intuitive enough that I can’t believe I was ever confused. It could happen.

The more you’ll play, the more you’ll understand how the world ‘works’ and how your probe works too, including powers and things you’ll acquire.

I guess with artifact you mean an hexagon…I don’t want to spoil it but yeah, you will use them…be patient and you will figure it out how, when and where you will use it (hint…not now…you have to play a lot more).

I completed the game but realized I got the bad ending (there are multiple ones)…I’m now figuring out things and puzzles…pure awesomeness but damn…it’s so hard.

Did you play on your phone or iPad? Just curious if the larger screen makes solving puzzles easier but hinders control…

I’ve tried on both and found the iPad easier to control. My finger keeps slipping off the screen on my phone, and my little probe just stops going.

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I found easier to control on iPhone (and being a 6S is way smoother) but I played the game on iPad Air where you notice more the little details and animations.
I don’t think it really change puzzle wise.

If you have a more up to date iPad, I would advice to play there.

I wish it had iCloud sync.

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