Into another mirror-world morning

Praying for the asteroid

I wish my compatriots wouldn’t live up to stereotypes.

I flew back to Frankfurt yesterday. Joined the “other passports” queue with a sigh. It was a longish queue; a couple of flights had clearly arrived about the same time, plus the immigration people were also checking the entry forms and vaccination status, so it was going to be a bit of a wait.

Then somewhere behind me in the queue, two British voices;
“This is punishment for Brexit, isn’t it”
“Yeah, just sour grapes”
“So much for German productivity”

Arrogant twattery of the very highest order. Bearing in mind the vast majority of the queue were not British as well, loudly announcing it’s a punishment to be obliged to hang around with foreigners like this was a bonus touch, I thought. So proud.


So, has it delivered yet?

Ready to conquer the world with boat and redcoats?

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You make it sound like the British are prone to feeling entitled or something…

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What’s that lads? You filmed your excuses for a thing that didn’t happen?

Oh how I laughed.

Frosty the Go Man.

I am not at all surprised to find while we were in the middle of lockdown, apparently the entire British government was having more parties than I do in a normal year.

Oh no, they genuinely were, it turns out.

More parties than I had at university.
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Probably better booze too…

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I am going to become the Joker.

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Ah yes. Spiffing.

The headline I saw didn’t have which party he was from. I knew anyway.

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Government deal that government negotiated and signed and praised found to be ‘unworkable’.

Virtually every single aspect of the Grenfell fire explored and found to be greed, incompetence, laziness, and outright malfeasance.

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