Rebel Moon. A deeply confused film that doesn’t know whether it’s Star Wars or Seven Samurai, but has stolen virtually all of its visuals and audio from Star Wars, while the setting appears to be some cod-Roman empire, complete with gladiators. Space Nazis with English accents is honestly one of the least stupid things about the setting (spoiler: they cribbed it from Star Wars), and we can add that to a film that contradicts itself tonally and thematically from scene to scene, doesn’t know who its characters are or why they are there, there are no interactions between the mis-cast ensemble outside of the plot (the one scene between Boutella and Hunnam on his ship is awful), and the sense of scale is all over the place.
My favourite thing about this film is no-one knows how big anything is, there’s no sense of scale. The imperial dreadnought comes to a planet to…target one village. An admiral comes down to oversee this, because why do anything less stupid when you can do maximum stupid? The force to defend the village is six people plus a cool fakeout from the resistance of hundreds/thousands, who you think will get recruited, but then it turns out to be one man and a few of his friends. The village offers to pay the rebels in grain, which seems like somewhat paltry wages to combat a starfaring empire. We see this same imperial force destroy a planet. So what possible fucking good are half a dozen people going to do?
“It’s alright lads, me and my five mates will protect you.” - Some fucking idiot wielding a sword, on the surface of Alderaan, ten seconds before the Death Star fires.
I can’t get over how no part of this film makes any sense when viewed next to any other part. Bear in mind, they’re not trying to start a general resistance movement, or protect their planet, and the film completely ignores the opportunity for the existing resistance movement to seize on this struggle. The film literally misses its own point; it tells you about a resistance movement before it tells you who they are resisting or why…but then the resistance movement doesn’t help people trying to rebel.
Some of the fight scenes are good (the bar scene especially), but some of them are just as bad (spider fight) and the film as a whole is too visually busy. The amount of money the cast must be getting in order to star in this shit hopefully makes it all worthwhile. The most bizarre mishmash of Roman empire fanboyism and empty-headed Star Wars copypasta I have ever seen.