Film; or The Silver Screen

Genuinely good. Tim Currying butling like a motherfucker.


Tim Curryā€¦the guy from Congo, right?

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Holy shit, I completely forgot Bruce Campbell was in this movie. I should watch it againā€¦drunk.

All of the suspense in Congo came from wondering whether or not Bruce survived!

Crichton deserved many movies of higher quality.

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After seeing this trailer I read the whole trilogy of books. I did enjoy them, but once finished, I felt almost exactly like I did after watching the penultimate season of Lost. I wonā€™t say more to avoid spoilers.

Read and loved the first one, started the secondā€¦ and life got in the way. Have to pick them up again at some point!

Blade of the Immortal. A fairly straightforward tale of an immortal swordsman taking on an emerging school of swordsmanship to avenge some murders. Cue hack and slash with a variety of improbable weapons against hordes of blade fodder and a series of increasingly skilled individuals. Nothing much to see here really. Possibly even the anime is a better choice. I enjoyed it but in a desultory way, because I felt I should.

Wheelman. Almost one of those ā€˜camera in car for the entire filmā€™ films, with some small scenes elsewhere. Angry Grillo Pad may be my spirit animal, but thereā€™s relatively little else here apart from Shea Whighamā€™s implausible nutter and some nice voice acting. A relatively tight plot, with not quite enough tension, and some chases that are too brief and lack the cinematography (either remote and cinematic, or in-car and personal) to be exciting.

Finally watched Blue Velvet. Fun to see so many of the smaller players from Dune in a different context, although you could argue Jack Nance and Brad Dourif didnā€™t have to stretch too much. Not much of the trademark Lynchian oddness, but still some strange and distressing stuff. Good ad for Pabst Blue Ribbon (fuck Heineken!).


On a David Lynch kick, I watched most of The Short Films of David Lynch today, and uhhhhhhhhhhhhā€¦


Donā€™t forget his music videos.

The local art house theater programmed a Lynch retrospective this year, and I went to a night where they showed Industrial Symphony No. 1 and pretty much every commercial and music video he did, along with a couple episodes of On The Air (on Japanese laserdisc!) and Hotel Room (with Harry Dean Stanton!). It was nearly 7 hours long and probably my favorite filmgoing experience of the year.

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Crazy Clown Time is something else. Lynch and Crispin Glover should really do something together.

Get Out. Still noticing lots of neat little details on a rewatch. Very ably directed, and with three particularly good performances from Alison Williams, Catherine Keener and Daniel Kaluuya, and Bradley Whitford playing a wonderful Steve Jobsalike. Some parts are too outright comedic, but the film has an excellent line in simple disconcertion.

This is part 1 of an absolutely beautiful short film that was a Kickstarter project.

The Ningyo