Film; or The Silver Screen

My wife remarked during The Little Things that she thought the way Rami Malek talked in Mr Robot was part of a character, but discovered during this movie that no, this is how he talks and perhaps is not acting?

I agree there is nothing noteworthy here, it wants to be a cross between Silence of the Lambs and Seven, except that there is no Buffalo Bill, no Hannibal Lechter, no Kevin Spacey and there is nothing in the box…because there is no damn box.


I found myself clenching my jaw periodically throughout the film, presumably in sympathy.

that’s what we loved about it!

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Even as a QT movie fan, I will say that every QT movie he’s done lately just cements Kill Bill, IB, and Jackie Brown even further at the top of my Favorite QT Movie list.


I’ve never liked anything by Tarantino. Can’t say why, I’ve just never been into his style. I know I’m a bit in the minority there, but ah well.


Would love to grab IB on iTunes but it’s only available for rent, not purchase, for some reason. Pulp Fiction is still one of my all time fav’s along with Kill Bill…

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Same here. His dialogue can be quite innovative, but his films are too much of a muchness for me.

Teen Titans Go To The Movies. Endearingly silly, and self-aware enough to entertain adults alongside kids. Some of the jokes were actually quite good, and skillful enough to make me laugh out loud.

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The second Teen Titans movie is great, too. teen Titans vs. Teen Titans, or something like that.

Apparently, Twitter is a-twitter with reactions to Scorsese’s new defense of cinema. I do love reading his heartfelt sermons.

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Curating isn’t undemocratic or “elitist,” a term that is now used so often that it’s become meaningless. It’s an act of generosity—you’re sharing what you love and what has inspired you. (The best streaming platforms, such as the Criterion Channel and MUBI and traditional outlets such as TCM, are based on curating—they’re actually curated.) Algorithms, by definition, are based on calculations that treat the viewer as a consumer and nothing else.

The man has a point.


I Care A Lot, on Netflix. Starring some blonde I didn’t recognize, some old lady I did who’s name I don’t know, and the really short guy (what’s PC to say nowadays?) who played Tyrion on Game of Thrones.

The blonde is running a legal scam of sorts where she takes guardianship of old people and fleeces them for all they’re worth; she unknowingly fleeces the wrong person and… the plot ensues.

Suspension of belief is required in parts, as is a healthy disregard for the realities of the legal system. Ultimately, its watchable and somewhat amusing for the 2h or so runtime. 7/10, although considering the wife wanted to watch it and I agreed, 10/10 on the happy wife scale. (Which we all know is the only one that matters)


and the really short guy (what’s PC to say nowadays?)

‘Short king’, or more likely, dwarf.


I’m a bit surprised you didn’t recognize Rosamund Pike. She’s been in some good films recently, and nominated for a Golden Globe for I Care A Lot.

“A Private War” and “7 Days in Entebbe” are both worth watching.


Huh! Don’t think I’ve seen her in anything before but I’ll definitely check those out

She even turns in good performances in otherwise terrible films. See Hostiles. Or rather, don’t.


She is also going to play Moiraine in the upcoming Wheel of Time series, I think. Hoping and praying it doesn’t turn out like the Shannara series, which it very well could.

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She had some awful film choices early on, so it is a testament to her skill that she still is working after tripe like Doom or Die Another Day.


She’s been in some right old shit. Wrath of the Titans FFS.

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