A Dram for the End Times. Or, When Life Gives You a Pandemic, Drink Whisk(e)y

And now I’ve spent more time than necessary looking for Die Hard pint glasses…

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I am definitely getting old, but my consumption of alcohol has dropped to basically zero.

My constitution has dropped to the point I can’t survive the after effects any more :frowning:

As my medical wife reminds me every time I pour some whisky, it’s basically poison so that’s probably a good thing.

What I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that beers make me feel more and more bloated. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good ale now and then, but it’s like someone dumped a not-yet-risen loaf of bread in my stomach. If I have a heavy meal and then drink a beer, I’ll be feeling a bit like a character in an Alien movie…


Same on the beer issue; haven’t had one in a while. I find that I don’t even truly enjoy them anymore.
Whisky hates me lately too - sometimes even the smell of the brown is enough to kick in my reflux and make me dive for the Tums.
Vodka it is for the most part…

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I’m drinking less beer these days as well, mostly due to lack of refrigerator space. My home bar is well stocked instead, and I tend to make a lot of cocktails that require vermouth. (I have bottles of dry, blanc, and sweet at the moment to make martinis, El Presidentes, Boulevardiers, Cynar Negronis, and Little Italys.) That leaves very little room for beer.


I had my first beer in more than a year last week.

It was sooooooo good.

Of course, I have a whiskey and Diet Pepsi every night. LOL

I stopped drinking at home just about 2 years ago and that combined with the Peloton are how I have lost like 60 lbs in the past 2 years.

I still might have a drink at dinner, and I go out to a bar with friends occasionally, but the 2-3 double IPAs a night I started drinking during the pandemic…those days are behind. I have also mostly switched to Gin and Tonics.


My pub catering to me, specifically, and no one else.


Haha, I just watched Princess Bride with my family last night. Good timing.

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